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Klima Infinity User Guide: Go carbon neutral—and beyond

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Using Klima Infinity, it takes just three steps to accelerate your path to carbon neutral—and beyond:

  1. Calculate

  2. Implement

  3. Amplify

Klima Infinity offsets happen with near-instant transaction times and sub-dollar network transaction fees.

KlimaDAO takes a 1% fee for providing an end-to-end software suite and marketing service. Depending on the tokenized carbon being retired, carbon bridges—such as Toucan—may charge a selective retirement fee.

1. Calculate

Calculate your Scope 1/2/3 emissions (read more).

As an organization, you should work to reduce your carbon emissions year-on-year in areas where this is feasible and cost-effective.

However, it is likely your organization cannot reduce all of its emissions to ‘zero’. In this case, your organization can use Klima Infinity to offset the residual emissions that are unavoidable.

Reach out to a Klima Infinity representative to get started with your calculation.

2. Implement

Head to the KlimaDAO carbon offset aggregator to execute your offset with just a few clicks, and with near-instant transaction time. The experience is illustrated below.

Click the top right of the page to connect your Metamask or Coinbase Wallet
Click the top right of the page to connect your Metamask or Coinbase Wallet

Choose the type of carbon token you want to retire
Choose the type of carbon token you want to retire

Write your retirement message, and execute the offset
Write your retirement message, and execute the offset

Visit the KlimaDAO Tokenized Carbon Dashboard if your sustainability strategy requires that you identify specific projects to support by retiring their issued carbon credits.

3. Amplify

With your offset transaction executed, your proof of offset is logged immutably on the Polygon blockchain. Each tokenized credit that you retire carries metadata – important information about the credit such as vintage, project type, and geography. The Klima Infinity suite provides you with tools that enable you to showcase your climate-positive actions.

Your Pledge Dashboard
Your Pledge Dashboard

Showcase your pledge, your goals, and how you track towards them. Enter your wallet address to claim and customize your Pledge Dashboard.

Your Retirement Overview
Your Retirement Overview

This is an aggregation of all retirements that you have executed historically – you can look this up using your wallet address.

Transaction Drilldown
Transaction Drilldown

This enables you to showcase a specific retirement in greater detail – all the way down to the carbon project's entry on the relevant carbon standard registry (e.g. Verra).

Retirement Certificate
Retirement Certificate

Similar to the traditional carbon market, on-chain carbon bridges such as C3 and Toucan issue a PDF certificate for each retirement.

Go Beyond

As a Klima Infinity user, your organization becomes part of the movement toward – and beyond – a carbon-neutral world. The KlimaDAO marketing team will work with you to amplify awareness around your Climate Positive commitment. You will have the opportunity to plan an omni-channel campaign, provide media materials, and reach both existing and new audiences.

Need enterprise or specialized support? Reach out to the Klima Infinity Team via this form.

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